Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Lower Than Atlantis, Newcastle Riverside, 12th April 2015

Lower Than Atlantis
Newcastle Riverside 12/04/15

This was one of those shows I almost didn't bother going to. A band I like but don't (quite) love, a show that I couldn't convince anyone to go to (not that I tried very hard, but still...) and an audience that I had decided well in advance was going to be horribly young, horribly hip and horribly horrible (correctly, as it turned out).
Avoiding monsoon conditions on an otherwise sunny Sunday afternoon, I arrived at the venue bright and early to see a lengthy queue full of tight jeans, waxed hair and carefully attended beards and decided to hit the nearest pub instead of stand among them and be the oldest guy at the disco. Deciding to try the resurrected Popolo's, I found largely the same crowd (but old enough to drink) inside, enjoying the contrived décor and elaborate cocktails. Still, a vast improvement on whichever identikit Quayside shithole was here before.
In the length of time it took me to down a very expensive glass of vodka and coke, I contemplated the night's entertainment. Lower Than Atlantis are from London (Watford, according to Wikipedia) and you really can tell when you hear frontman Mike Duce sing. However, through a combination of witty lyrics, heartfelt delivery and catchier-than-the-cold melodies, he manages to make this seem endearing rather than irritating. They took a while to grow on me but have done so like the fungus on my feet; I can't quite get rid of them (from my ipod, not my feet) but at the same time I'm slightly embarrassed by it. I feel like I'm too told to enjoy this band and, having grown up through the golden era of Britrock, can't help but feel like I've heard it done before. Indeed, the kind of melodic, tailor-made-for-stadia rock that they peddle is the sort of thing that Terrorvision used to do and that Ginger Wildheart can still write in his sleep. The likes of Ash, A and Skyscraper (look them up, you won't regret it) were doing this nearly 20 years ago and were pretty damn good at it.
LTA, however, do have an ever-increasing array of quality tunes, a way with words and a knack for crafting a simple but effective earworm. A lazy journalist might call them the UK's answer to the Foo Fighters or Jimmy Eat World, although this is slightly unfair because LTA may, unlike those two, still be capable of surprising us. I'm not a journalist, but I am lazy, so the comparison is good enough for me.
So I came along tonight on the strength of some good, catchy and genuinely endearing tunes and a band with a boatload of potential. I arrive poorer but drunker to find the place already wall-to-wall and seemingly enthralled by a band called RVRIS. Without having heard them before, I had already kind of heard them before. The sort of band that is branded 'rock' because they have a guitarist, who plays all the same notes as the keyboard player so there's no dynamics at all and only a beat to pick out from the noise. The singer seemed like she was a lot of fun but the whole band seemed to be more focused on their clothes than their songs: to my jaded eyes they looked like somebody had sent them into H&M on a dare to buy all of the most embarrassing clobber they could find.
Next up was We Are The Ocean, a band I had actually heard of but will hopefully never have to hear again...
Anyone remember mid-1990s 'grunge' also-rans Bush? The singer fathered a model, married Gwen Stefani and then sold millions of records to Americans who were bored of Pearl Jam and wanted to listen to a poor imitation of Pearl Jam instead of Pearl Jam themselves. Well, Bush were terrible and memorable only for Gavin Rossdale's amazing cheekbones (look them up, you won't regret it...). We Are The Ocean are in the same category: cheekbones over tunes. The musical equivalent of a fashion catalogue: populated by beautiful people that you'll forget about as soon as you stop looking. Granted the singer has a very good voice but he seems to do the same thing with it on every song. An embarrassing song about still being able to smell some poor lady's perfume was followed by an even more embarrassing song about being bitter at parents. They fucked off after some indeterminate length of time, leaving some of the crowd inexplicably impressed. It was an overwrought non-event to my ears but hey, each to their own.
LTA have a lyrical knack for two things: alternatively, disarming, almost confessional honesty and a brash confidence which borders on arrogance. Their songs can either be quite moving portraits of events in Mike Duce's life or attention grabbers about their career and how ace they are. I wondered which would come across in their performance.
They open with recent single 'Criminal', all soaring chorus and insistent riff. The kids go apeshit and it only takes until they play older tune 'Far Q' for a (really quite soft) moshpit to kick off. The latest album Lower Than Atlantis is understandably well represented with the lighter numbers 'Emily' and 'Words Don't Come So Easily' getting great responses. Indeed, Duce asks the audience which of us had only recently became fans. Surprisingly few hands go up, suggesting that they are already gathering quite a loyal fanbase. Disappointingly, only 'Something Better Came Along' is played from 2012's excellent Changing Tune album.
The band play well, but it feels like there's something not quite there, as if 100% is not always being given. While lead guitarist Ben Sansom quietly does his thing and bass player Dec Hart looks like the happiest guy in the world throughout, it strikes me that something seems off about Mike Duce. His voice is strong on record but tonight it seems like something is missing; he isn't holding the notes as long as he should and he seems quite low in the mix at times. It doesn't spoil much unless you're a picky bastard like me, but he does come across as quite reserved when he's singing. His confidence comes across much more when he addresses us between songs and it's this kind of stage banter than can cement a band's reputation, getting the crowd on side.
Towards the end, Duce asks the audience to separate (easier said than done, given the dearth of space) so he can stand in the middle of the floor to play a sad song called 'Another Sad Song' on his own. Now this can easily go wrong and by his own admission he would “look like a massive wanker” if it did. Fortunately it's really well received and makes for a nicely intimate moment.
The biggest cheer of the night goes up for older single 'Deadliest Catch' (the lyrics are a witty twist on the adage 'plenty more fish in the sea'). It's by no means their best song, but people go nuts for it. They close with a stomping 'Here We Go', which is surely set to be their calling card for years to come.
So overall a good but not quite great night. They played well but didn't excel, didn't play all of the songs I wanted to hear and sometimes sounded a bit shy. But to leave on a positive, they filled this place and seem to have some young and loyal fans. I have some faith that these guys will get bigger and better and tonight is just another rung in their slow ascent to Wembley Stadium.

Special mention must go to the enormous waistcoat-clad hipster stood in front of me, who looked like a bouncer that forgot to stop at the door. He only seemed to know songs from the new album and I have never in my life seen somebody look so terrified in a moshpit. Hilarious.

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